2017 Franchys A Beautiful Weight Loss



I’m so happy to tell all of you about my weight loss. I’ve lost a total of 13 pounds since starting my weightloss journey. I’m not gonna lie it wasn’t easy losing the weight It took a lot of hard work and consistency. Nevertheless I have to lose the weight for my business. I want to take some swimwear photos but I currently can’t because I’m not quite yet where I want to be. Nonetheless I’m currently happy with my weight loss and I’m working on getting my body bathing suit ready.

I currently have no idea what kind of swimwear I should buy for the photo shoot. I kinda have to hurry as summer is almost over, I can’t believe how fast the summer went. Next thing you know we all will be with our family having thanksgiving dinner. Yes 2018 is right around the corner, where do you want to be in your life? Our life go through different stages each and every year for instance I remember when I was in my early twenties I had no problem wearing a bikini now I may have to settle for a bathing suit instead, I don’t know lets see. I will be going with my boyfriend so that he can help me out with picking my bathing suit.

In terms of my bathing suit I will try to make it as  PG 13 as possible as I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about my business. I’ve seen plenty of webcam modeling sites throughout the internet and I don’t want you to mistaking my site as one of them. Franchy Pictures Your Business is always on the lookout for the best shots for your business. Be sure to comment any ideas you may have for a photo shoot, please keep it clean. On that note I’m going to wish you to have a great weekend, and stay bless.

Enjoy my pictures!



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