Hello, Lovelies!


How are you doing? I myself am doing frantastic and hope you are as well. Today’s post is all about looking back at the last 1 year and 5 months of “Franchy Picturing Your Business.” What started as a Franchy afterthought has become a self-realization of a beautiful dream. Which of course I’m referring to my web modeling. My beautiful pictures are all over the internet and I simply am in love with the women I have become and I have you thank for that.

Thank you for your wonderful support and simply for believing in me. Just by you reading this post you are making a difference. Knowing that you are stepping into my beautiful mind and are enjoying my pictures really means a lot to me. Before these web-blog ideas were floating freely inside my mind and I had no idea where to start. Then one day I saw a YouTube video about webcam models. I was astonished that they were getting paid to do ridiculous things by man. I thought I’m pretty and sexy why can’t I do it (not webcam modeling exactly)? That is exactly what I did I became a web model and am loving it!

I created this page as an ongoing project to show my appreciation of helping me keep my dream alive. From this day on each year “Franchy Pictures Your Business” is still active I will post a picture and write you all a special message. Watch for this page because exciting things will be coming soon. If you too are thinking about starting a blog (business) go for it live your dream! Enjoy the rest of your week guys make each day count. I also wanted to wish my United States readers a Happy Thanksgiving, thank you for joining me here.


Thankful For You all.
