Franchys Walk Into The New Year

How are you all doing this very Franchy moment? I hope great as for me I’m fine just a bit tired. I have been working on my other blog extensively and now I want to give you all some love also. Yes it’s true I write for several of my own blogs plus I freelance write for different blogs which equals to a lot of writing. Which I don’t mind as I enjoy writing my heart. You want to know something else I love? That is walking to my perfectly imperfect body.

If you see it is a beautiful day out then you know I’m outside with nature. Being one with nature and being my true self. I make a lot of business decisions while on my lovely walks. Who needs an office, I don’t? Something about the open space and fresh air that gets my mind running none stop. I no longer feel there is a limit everything feels limitless and full of possibilities. As business owners, we love the many possibilities that we now have working for ourselves. No one to tell us no. No one to control our income and lower our expectations. Skys truly isn’t a limit we build the life that we want by helping people who are just like us. People with dreams who are willing to take a chance and see how far they can truly go.

The best way to open close eyes is to show them the light (more specifically the sunlight). Lovelies this mini photoshoot I want for you to go see some sunshine with me to open your eyes to the beauty of this world. I will be taking you on a journey right here in New York my beautiful state. I do down the line want to travel and take some beautiful photography pictures but that’s gonna take some money and planning. I have already resolved to travel to a different place each summer, this year I pick Philadelphia. So stay tuned for some awesome pictures. Do you have any photoshoot ideas that you would like me to try? Comment your ideas below and let’s have a go. The first month into the new year is almost finish wow time is flying let’s enjoy our time here and now. Have a wonderful day Lovelies.

Love ya,

Take A Walk With Franchy <3

It is a real pleasure to see the frozen lake at the Marine Marsh. The beauty of nature was frozen in place. I always love it here it’s beauty always takes me away so far away. A beautiful winter wonderland at Marine Park.

yours truly Francesca Etheart

Franchy recommends with love always:

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