2017 One Beautiful Summer

Hello there!

Summer is almost over while I’m sad to see summer go nonetheless I’m looking forward to the rest of 2017. As we approach 2018 I try to make the most of 2017. One great thing that happened for me this year was my realization of my beauty and self worth and I created this site to showcase my beauty. When I say beauty I don’t only mean outer beauty I mean everything that is beautiful about you. Beauty is multifaceted which is why my business provides you with a variety of pictures.

The series of pictures I’m going to show you were taken a couple days ago by my photographer Rodney Jean Charles. The location of the places where all the pictures were taken at was Marine Park. I’m so happy that it was a beautiful day which set the appropriate mood for my frantastic pictures. I want to hear from you my customers. What do you think about the pictures? Do you have any suggestions on things that could’ve made the pictures more breath taking? As my website grows and I start earning more money I will hire a professional. I’m looking forward to that.



I really hope you enjoyed my pictures. I wanted to share with you one of my favorite places I love to be at. Marine Park is a great place to plan your gatherings I strongly recommend it. If you are in New York and you have the time pay Marine Park a friendly visit. On my next photoshoot I plan to go to Queens for my swim wear weight loss stay tune for that. If you have any suggestions on what you want me to do next please comment below. Remember to be respectful with your suggestions this is not a webcam site I don’t do nudes. Thank you for understanding. With that said I’m signing off have a great day!

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